
What is the primary purpose of World Trend Review?

World Trend Review aims to provide a platform for users to share their real-life experiences, product stories, and brand reviews. We believe in the power of authentic user feedback to influence trends and build trust in products and brands.

Who can join World Trend Review and contribute content?

World Trend Review welcomes individuals who are passionate about sharing their insights and experiences. Users can contribute content on a wide range of topics, from personal experiences to detailed product and brand reviews.

Can I sign up using my social media accounts?

Signing up with social media is currently not available on the WTR website. Please, choose one email address to sign up.

Can I sign up without providing my phone number?

We collect phone number information to identify users. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further details regarding information collection.

Can I add multiple options to the interests category?

When signing up, you can only register one interest that represents you. If you would like to change your interest, you can do so in your profile tab.

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General questions

What services does World Trend Review offer?

We offer a platform primarily focused on authentic user-generated content and reviews.

What kind of review categories does World Trend Review have?

We offer almost every category that covers your daily life. Visit World Trend Review website!

How many languages does World Trend Review offer?

We currently support services in English, Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese, and Korean. Supported languages may increase.

Where is World Trend Review located?

Our company is headquartered in UAE.

Does World Trend Review offer customer support?

Yes, we have a dedicated customer support team available to assist you with any inquiries or issues you may have. contact us

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Article and Writing Rules

Where can I check general Writing Rules?

Please follow this link. [writing rules page]

Who can write articles?

You can be an author in WTR. You are going to start from challenger level. Please check the Level & compensation page. To become a WTR Author. [level&compensation page]

What are Whitelist Brands, and how can I link to them in my articles?

Whitelist brands are established, reputable brands approved by WTR for reference in articles. You can link to them in your articles to provide credible information and support your content's accessibility.

Can I write offensive articles targeting specific brands on WTR?

No, Writing offensive articles targeting specific brands is strictly against WTR's policies. We uphold a commitment to respectful and ethical content creation.

What is the recommended word count for articles on WTR?

The count may vary depending on what language you write in. As a representative example, if an article is written in English, Articles should have a word count of approximately 1,000 to 2,000 words to provide informative content. As another example, if you are writing in Japanese, 4000 to 5000 characters are appropriate.

Can I write articles for advertising personal brands or commercial products on WTR?

Writing articles to advertise personal brands or commercial products is strictly prohibited. Brand advertising is exclusively permitted through dedicated Pro authors following WTR's advertising writing rules.

Can I link to (WTR) non-whitelist brands in my articles?

Users can include content about non-whitelist brands in their articles. However, users cannot link to or affiliate with non-whitelist brands in their articles.

Do I need to attach sources for quotations in my articles?

Yes, it is essential to attach the sources of quotations as notes in your articles to ensure transparency and uphold our standards of accuracy and credibility.

Why is it not possible to edit uploaded articles in WTR?

World Trend Review adheres to articles and genuine reviews based on facts. Therefore, to maintain platform trustworthiness, once an article is uploaded, it cannot be modified. All users of our platform are kindly requested to thoroughly review the content and any modifications before uploading articles. World Trend Review manages article uploads through monitoring. We will always strive to be a trustworthy site to the best of our abilities.

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Level System

What is World Trend Review level system?

WTR has level rules. You can read or write a review depending on your level. Additionally, the amount of rewards you receive varies depending on your level, so try increasing your level through frequent participation. Detailed information on level rules can be found at the following link. [ level & compensation system link]

How does compensation differ depending on the level?

Please follow the link and refer to the compensation table. [ level &compensation system link]

What is the ‘Audience’ Level?

The Audience Level is the default level for all users on the WTR platform.

How can users upgrade to the ‘Challenger’ level?

Users can upgrade to the ‘Challenger’ level by Supporting other users’ articles by tipping 15 or more Star Points. Alternatively, an event may be held to upgrade the level. Check out WTR often so you don't miss out on special opportunities.

What are the privileges of the Challenger level?

The Star Point receiving limitation for the Challenger article is 750 Star Points.

What are the requirements to reach the ‘Best Author’ level?

To reach the Best Author level, users must meet the following criteria:

1. Publish at least 3 articles.

2. Support other users’ articles by tipping 150 or more Star Points.

3. Users can either purchase the best author license or wait for selection by the admin.

What privileges do Best Authors have?

They can participate in WTR Live Rank system.

The Star Point limitation for the Best Authors article is 1,850 Star Points.

How can a user become a ‘Pro Author’?

Admin can promote a user from Best Author to Pro Author by contacting users directly. Pro authors will receive an email upon approval from the administrator.

What rewards do Pro Authors receive?

Pro Authors will receive rewards when WTR requests a specific article. The rewards vary based on the number of views their Pro article receives across different tiers.

What is the Star Point limitation for Pro Author articles?

The Star Point limitation for the Pro Author article is 50,000 Star Points.

Can users at all levels withdraw received donations?

Yes, users at all levels can withdraw received donations. However, you can only withdraw if you reach a certain amount of donations. Please refer to the Star points page. [star point system link]

What is the main purpose of the leveling system on WTR?

The leveling system encourages user engagement, tipping, and article publication, fostering a vibrant and active community.

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Star Point & T-star Point

What are Star Points?

Star Points are your general reward points. You can earn them through various activities on our platform, such as engaging with the community, writing articles, posting reviews, or even purchasing them directly.

How can users earn Star Points?

You can earn Star Points in the following ways:

1. Contribute to content like articles and reviews.

2. Engage with the community.

3. Purchase Star Points directly.

Please Note that Star Points are not refundable. Please be considerate when purchasing. Also, Star Points cannot be withdrawn as cash.

What can users do with Star Points?

1. Make donations to your favorite articles or authors to motivate them.

2. Explore our Secret Box catalog for exciting rewards.

3. Participate in exclusive challenges and events.

What are T-Star Points?

T-Star Points are a special type of point that can only be obtained by receiving Star Points from other users as donations.

How can I get T-Star Points?

The only way to accumulate T-star points is to receive donations from other users. 1star points earned from other users are accumulated as 1T-star points, but their value is different when converted to USD. For more details, please refer to the Star Point description page and our Terms.

How is the value calculated for Star and T-Star Points?

• when buying 30 Star Points = 1 USD

• when withdrawing 50 T-Star Points = 1 USD

What can I do with T-Star Points?

T-Star points can be withdrawn into real money, starting from 2,000 Points. Also, T-Star points can be swapped for Star points to engage with the community, starting from 50 Points. (50 T-Star Points = 30 Star Points)

I want to know my Star Point history (Donated and Received Points History).

You can check it in the Star Point's tab in your account. History is only shown for up to 3 months.

I want to know more about WTR Star Points & T-star Points system.

Please follow this link and Start Earning and Enjoying Your Points [star point system link]

When withdrawing T-star points, please fill out the general information on my profile tab.

Personal information must be verified at the withdrawal stage to ensure correct withdrawal and user verification. For further details on personal information protection, please check the WTR Terms and Privacy Policy.

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Live Rank system & Hot Brand Rank

What is Live Rank at World Trend Review?

Live Rank is a dynamic ranking system at World Trend Review that highlights the most outstanding authors and articles on our platform. please follow this link for details. [link]

How is the Live Rank for authors calculated?

The Author Live Rank is calculated based on your performance over the last 30 days, giving consistent contributors a chance to shine.

What criteria are prioritized for author ranking?

Ranking conditions may vary every month, but the following criteria are usually applied. The following criteria are prioritized to determine your rank:

1. The number of Viewers.

2. The number of Likes.

3. The number of Star Points received.

How is the Live Rank for articles calculated?

The Article Live Rank is also based on performance over the last 30 days, similar to the Author Live Rank.

What criteria are prioritized for article ranking?

Ranking conditions may vary every month, but the following criteria are usually applied.

The following criteria are prioritized to determine your rank:

1. The number of Star Points received.

2. The number of Viewers.

3. The number of Likes.

What levels can participate in the Live Rank system?

The World Trend Review Live Rank system welcomes participation from the Best and Pro levels.

What rewards are offered for the top authors in Live Rank?

Each month on the 2nd, we reward the top 1 authors with the highest Live Rank in the last 30 days, with specific prizes for 1st and 2nd place.

What rewards are offered for the top articles in Live Rank?

Similar to the Author Live Rank, we reward the top 2 articles with the highest Live Rank in the last 30 days, with specific prizes for 1st and 2nd place.

How can I participate in the Live Rank competition?

To participate in the Live Rank competition, simply create outstanding content and compete for recognition and rewards.

How are rewards distributed for Live Rank?

Rewards will be distributed in T-Star Points, which can be withdrawn with applicable withdrawal fees. Currently, only PayPal service is available.

What is the policy for abuse of the Live Rank system?

In case of abuse, World Trend Review reserves the right to immediately revoke the Live Rank system.

What is Hot Brand Rank in World Trend Review?

The hot brand rank is selected by WTR operation. We consider as below:

• Number of Mentioned

• Users Engagement

• Clear Reputation and Authors Reviews

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Become a KOL

What is a KOL (Key Opinion Leader) in World Trend Review?

A Key Opinion Leader, often referred to as a KOL, is an influential individual in a particular field or industry, whose opinions and recommendations are highly valued by their followers or audience. Becoming a KOL in WTR provides various benefits and profits. At the same time, you will have to act as KOLs.

Who can become a KOL with WTR?

• Those willing to participate in review and KOL activities with WTR.

• Those who love to write their stories and share their experiences.

• Individuals who want to communicate what they couldn't express in video to their fandom.

• People with a social media following of at least 5,000.

Why does WTR require KOLs to have a social media following of at least 5K?

Having a substantial social media following is a key criterion for becoming a KOL with WTR because it indicates that you have a significant influence and reach. This is important for effectively sharing your experiences and reviews with a broader audience.

What activities are expected from WTR KOLs?

WTR KOLs are expected to participate in review and promotional activities, share their personal stories and experiences, and actively engage with their audience on various platforms, including social media and possibly WTR's channels. Please check the details for KOLs activities. [KOLs link]

What are the benefits of becoming a WTR KOL?

You can start with the Highest Level ‘Pro Author’. In addition, various benefits related to income or fandom amplification are waiting for you. Please check details for KOLs benefits. [link]

The specific benefits will depend on the terms of your agreement with WTR.

How can I apply to become a KOL with WTR?

WTR selects KOLs through internal screening. If you meet our criteria, we will send you a WTR KOL proposal. If you are an influencer who would like to work as a WTR KOL, please apply via email. We will inform you of the results after an internal review.

Are there any specific guidelines or requirements for content creation as a WTR KOL?

WTR may provide guidelines and expectations for content creation, which you should adhere to when creating and sharing content on their behalf. These guidelines help maintain consistency and quality across the brand.

How long is the typical commitment period for WTR KOLs?

The commitment period can vary depending on the agreement between WTR and the KOL. It might be a one-time collaboration, a fixed-term agreement, or an ongoing partnership. The duration will be specified in your agreement with WTR.

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How can become a World Trend Review Partner?

First, please sign up as a partner of World Trend Review. Second, subscribe to our website. There are various options. Lastly, contact us about how to proceed with partner marketing.